Saturday, April 28, 2012


Yesterday went well. I practiced go outs in all four directions, including one direction to baby gates. We made it all the way to 60 feet going north, south and east (for lack of a better way to describe it, sorry). Going west I introduced the jumps (that were set about 20 feet apart). I am still having some walking forward on my turn and sit, but I also see improvement.

On my random sits, I still got one or two drops and I also addressed sitting immediately in place, by walking into Gali and pushing him back.

For directed jumping I made progress with the distance between the jumps, we are up to about 20 feet apart and away from the jumps. I had two incidents of not wanting to jump to the left but always when it was the bar jump. He had no problem jumping to the left when it was a high jump and he has no problem jumping to the right over a bar jump. So it appears that I have a signal problem.

I did manage to get two sets of directed jumping and two sets of go outs in one training session. Gali maintained his attitude. I did change up what food reward I was giving and did play some games with him to keep him happy and relaxed.

Today the plan is to put up some barriers so that I apply a little pressure from the side. Also I have a friend coming to train her dog while I train to add in some distractions. Gali and this dog love to play together, so it will be a distraction for sure. Also I am going to ask my friend to be my judge and stand where the judge would normally and not normally stand during this exercise. And I am going to ask her to choose jumps for me; I have been worried about creating jumping patterns when practicing by myself.


Ribbon gets to do all of these drills, except for go outs, plus do heeling drill and one Novice run through. If I time (and energy) I will do articles with her.

After that I am spending my day watch tennis and then hockey!!!!


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