Well, 2012 is here. I am hoping that this will be a much better year for me and my family. The weather has been co-operating so far. I have been able to get all my outside chores done, dogs walked (and cleaned off). Most of the decorations are down and packed away. Two loads of laundry are done. Now I need to sit down and go through some websites to figure out when I am going to trial next. I think realistically I am looking at March before I can Gali back in the ring. I am away doing seminars for the last weekend in January and then the first week of February. Then we go on our CRUISE (which I am only slightly looking forward to, can you tell – 40 days and counting!!!). When we come home from that trip, February will be almost over, so March it is.
Gali is currently sitting with 2 UD legs. We have had our ups and downs, but mostly I feel like I am getting my head back together. My ability to concentrate in the ring is really improving and I feel more like myself every day. I think that it will be better to finish the title this year and feel proud of our accomplishments, instead of just "getting it over with" which is how I felt about 2011. Gali will also be getting his last leg under the new rules, which means he will be completing in the Utility "B" class and doing out of order exercises – which I love to do!!
Ribbon is coming along great. I have some things I would like to work on before she goes into the ring for her CD. I also think that I will do her CDX this year as well. I would like to compete in more rally with both dogs this year too! But the main focus is Gali's UD, Ribbon's CD and then we will see where we are and look at Gali's OTCHX/MOTCH and Ribbon's CDX.
Planning, Training then Trialling – here we come!!