Saturday, January 22, 2011

Trio of matches

starting next Sunday there are three matches to get out to.  One of which is my building but the other two are in new or fairly new environments for my dogs.  I plan to go to all three matches.  It will be a great chance to see how Gali does doing "Trials" three weekends in a row.  Well four really since the following weekend he is entered in a trial.  I haven't been practicing any run throughs with Gali, just doing some proofing drills and mixing up the exercises to keep it interesting. 
It is funny how time progresses on.  I can remember having a conversation with my friend Susie and saying that I couldn't fathom ever running Gali in utility.  He still felt like "the new dog".  Not that I ever had any doubt about if he could do it or not, but I just couldn't get the picture in my head.  Now I have the same feeling about Ribbon, and Gali feels like an old pair of comfortable slippers.  I wonder how long it will be before I write about Ribbon getting ready for her utility trails??

On unrelated matters...Static electricity is driving me insane!!! my dogs are starting whince as I reach to pet them, knowing there is going to be a shock.
Also, watched Julia/Julie last night - really good movie - watch it if you get a chance.  Now I want her cookbook!!

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