Monday, April 30, 2012

Gali gets the day off

Yesterday's training session went really well. I had Aydon call jumps for me and he was REALLY good. Go-outs and random sits were all excellent. I pulled the chutes away from the wall to about 8 feet away and I could see Gali make a decision to sit in place even though he was tempted to walk forward to where the chute was. Before I left I put one half of the directed jumping exercise together (one go-out and one jump).

I will admit it is killing me to take the day off, but I think we need it. I am itching to get to the hall, so Ribbon will get some more training today. Gali must feel the same way, every time I go near the door; he is standing there with his tail wagging. That is a good sign right?? I also want to spend some time planning out my training sessions for this week. I will need to include all the other exercises for utility and I would ideally like to do several complete run throughs. I also have to work around a busy teaching schedule this week plus a day long retreat on Friday. With any luck I will get a spot at the match on Friday. Maybe take the day off Saturday.

My stomach is churning just thinking about the trial and all the prep work that is left to do. Pretty exciting though?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. My stomach is churning thinking about your stomach churning :) So please stop it! Can I hire Aydon to call jumps for me?? :)) Does he work for licorice? :)
